Read any newspaper from the Italy!
You can find news from 3Bmeteo, ANSA, Adnkronos, Affaritaliani, Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, Alto Adige, Androidiani,, Aranzulla, Askanews, Avvenire, Blitz Quotidiano, Brescia Oggi, Calciomercato, Città della Spezia, Città di Genova, Corriere della Sera, Corriere delle Alpi, Corriere dello Sport, Corriere di Siena, Cosmopolitan, Diario del Web, Donna Moderna, Estense, Fanpage, Fantagazzetta, Gameforge, Gazzetta del Sud, Gazzetta di Mantova, Gazzetta di Parma, Gazzetta di Reggio, Giornale di Brescia, Giornale di Puglia, Giornale di Sicilia, Google News, Gossip, Grazia, Huffington Post It, Hardware Upgrade, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Il Foglio, Il Gazzettino, Il Giornale, Il Giornale di Rieti, Il Giornale di Vicenza, Il Giorno, Il Manifesto, Il Mattino, Il Mattino di Padova, Il Messaggero, Il Meteo, Il Piccolo, Il Post, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Secolo XIX, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Sussidiario, Il Tempo, Il Tirreno, Internazionale, Italia Oggi, Italpress, L'Arena, L'Espresso, L'Osservatore Romano, L'Unità, L'Unione Sarda, La Città di Salerno, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, La Gazzetta dello Sport, La Nazione, La Nuova Ferrara, La Nuova Sardegna, La Nuova Venezia, La Provincia Pavese, La Repubblica, La Sentinella del Canavese, La Stampa, La Tribuna di Treviso, Leggo, Libero, Libero Quotidiano, Messaggero Veneto Metro, MF Milano Finanza, Multiplayer, Panorama, Quotidiano, RAI News, Retenews24, Tgcom, Tiscali, Today, Tom's Hardware, Torino Today, Treccani, Trentino, Tutto Mercato, Tuttosport, Virgilio, Wired, Yahoo News.
* Newspaper list can be updated online
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* Automatic cache delete
* Open with standard internet browser
- New newspapers: Bologna Today, Corriere dell'Umbria, Domani, Il Riformista, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, La Verità
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Dark theme is added.
- New newspapers: Ciociaria Oggi, Democratica, La Provincia di Como, Milano Today, Varese News
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Dark theme is added.
- New newspapers: Ciociaria Oggi, Democratica, La Provincia di Como, Milano Today, Varese News
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- New newspapers: Area Napoli, Calcio Napoli 24, Dagospia, FC Inter News, Guide Smartphone, La Roma 24, La Stampa, L'Eco di Bergamo, Live Sicilia, Sportmediaset,, Tutto Juve, Tutto Napoli
- Links of some newspapers updated.
- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Links of some newspapers updated.- The ads appear in the pages of newspapers are owned by the newspaper itself and has no connection with our application.
- Correzioni di bug.- Alcuni link di giornali vengono aggiornati.- Ora è possibile modificare i dati dei giornali di propria creazione: prima era necessario cancellare il giornale e crearlo ex-novo.Toccando a lungo il nome del giornale che si vuol modificare, nella riga di stato dell'app compare l'icona di una matita. Toccandola compare la finestra con i dati del giornale che possono essere così modificati.Attenzione: la modifica è consentita solo per i giornali creati dall'utente!